
Least disruptive billing software question

Sometimes I draft a response to a question or item on Solosez for which I believe I will get booted if I post. In the past, I have simply deleted – opting in favor to remain in the good graces of COTE. Today, however, I decided that I’m going to stop wasting such content and […]

All About the Flow

This post goes back a few years now.  I have pinned it so readers can come back and read it as many times as necessary during these troubling times: Below is an excerpt from a book that Emily, my 17 year old daughter, picked up titled: The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie: Letting […]

Happy Birthday to me….

Today is my birthday and it is a day that I usually have at least one good, solid cry. I do so not because I’m getting older (although the number is starting to cause pause) … I do so because my father, God rest him, passed on my birthday – now 25 years ago.  No matter […]