
Wish I was at ILTA14

What’s ILTA14 you ask? ILTA stands for the International Legal Technology Association and their HUGE annual conference being held in Nashville this week. With over 400 speakers, ILTA14 is all about education and with a combined 3500 or so in attendence – it gives off a very LTNY-like vibe. Since this week also happens to be […]

Indiana State Bar Solo Small Firm Conference Recap

I was honored to be asked to speak at the Indiana State Bar Solo/Small Firm Conference held in the Spring each year – recently at the beautiful French Lick Resort in French Lick, Indiana. My topics were Effectively Bringing Social Media Into Your Law Firm, Client Files From Start To Finish and I was part […]

Virtual Assistants 101

Ever increasing numbers of attorneys hanging out their own shingle are in dire need of administrative assistance, but do not have the space, equipment or even workload to warrant hiring an employee. This means many are forced to spend hours each day on the administrative duties required to keep their practice in business, taking away […]