Andy Peterson

Insanity logic?

I have heard the saying that “Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.” Many on the internet debate who originated that quote or whether one could legally argue the psychological insanity of an individual based on this quote.  I would rather reflect on this as a metaphor and the […]

David A. Moore

17 Ways to Beat Procrastination

In politics, there is the strategy of “deny, deny, deny” when you get in trouble. Many times, the more overwhelmed I get, I start to “delay, delay, delay”. I am a world-class procrastinator. I can put things off and delay up until the very last minute. But…when it’s crunch time, I can always deliver. I […]

Andy Peterson

New Appreciation by Andy Peterson

As we have just rung in a new year in 2015, many will face new years with a ton of resolutions and look to make a significant change.  The simple fact is that many will start and few will ever complete whatever goal they may have hoped to achieve. Focusing on something “new” for this […]