Andy Peterson

New Appreciation by Andy Peterson

As we have just rung in a new year in 2015, many will face new years with a ton of resolutions and look to make a significant change.  The simple fact is that many will start and few will ever complete whatever goal they may have hoped to achieve.

Focusing on something “new” for this article, I am taking a slightly different perspective.  What if everything we ever needed or wanted was around us and we were just too busy to recognize it?  I have found myself realizing that if I pause for a moment to look around, I have a wealth of abundance around me daily.  While I don’t share the following to brag, I do realize that I have been immensely blessed with an amazing wife who, to date, has endured all of my strengths and weakness for the past 17 years.  I may tell her that it feels like 25 years, but honestly can’t believe where the time has gone.  I am also very blessed to have 2 healthy and incredibly talented children who have their own unique strengths.  I don’t always understand each of their particular nuances, but still appreciate them and love them beyond comprehension.  As much as I have begun to realize this, I haven’t always shared this with them or helped them learn to appreciate all that they have had around them.

Hal Elrod’s book “The Miracle Morning”, reminds us to start each morning with this perspective, and is a fundamental key to his acronym that he uses as the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.  Hal encourages everyone to embrace the Affirmations, or reflect on all of the blessings we have in our life. This could easily become an ego trip for some, but that is not the point.  Many of us don’t take even just a moment to recognize all that we have, and with this provides each of us with a boost of daily energy to keep a sane perspective.

Recently I was listening to a Jay Abraham series, where he was reflecting on what putting things in perspective means using a piece of fine art.   He had purchased several custom paintings that were captivating yet were unable to transform a room without the proper lighting.  The realization is that no matter how good something is, unless you see it, it doesn’t have full potential value.

I wonder if we all don’t have similar experiences that we have each encountered in our daily lives?  We can see all that others may have but also note that they don’t recognize them.  We commonly refer to this as the “grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”  We can see and envy what others have, but fail to appreciate the fine things that we have around us every day.

I am still working on refining my own perspective, but why not try a new perspective this year?  I believe each of us are blessed each and every day, but simply fail to recognize or appreciate them.  Best wishes in 2015 to you, and to everyone you are blessed to encounter each day of the year!

Andy Peterson:  After chasing a childhood dream as a professional pilot, Andy stepped away from aviation to honor a commitment to his family.   He is currently the Director of Business Development for Kahuna Business Solutions.  When not working, Andy enjoys racquetball, providing part time flight instruction, introducing aviation to youth, and spending time with his wife and 2 sons.