
My 3 Words for 2016

I follow and admire @chrisbrogan as a no-nonsense, direct and reliable person to learn more about how to network and be social in the digital world. Every year, Chris publishes his 3 words for the year and every year, I also publish mine.  In 2016, Chris chose: Home; Shine; Win.  To learn more about why and see […]

It’s LTNY Time!

As long-time readers know, I head into the LegalTech NY each year on the snuffle for the latest and greatest to recommend to my clients. I’m putting together the fun stuff I do – a meet up and the annual swag-a-thon – and so am going through a bunch of old pictures which are making […]

60 Sites in 60 Minutes 2008-2015 #ABATECHSHOW

Definitely one of the most popular presentations of TechShow is the last presentation held Saturday morning, entitled 60 Sites in 60 Minutes. I had a link to the ABA website page which linked to all the 60 Sites in 60 Minutes presentations, but unfortunately, that link now returns an error. I scoured the interwebs and here’s links I found to other websites listing the 60 sites in 60 minutes from 2000-2013