Jeff Lantz

Love and Website Security – WordFence and RSJoomla!

It’s February, love is in the air, and I’m a sucker for …. website security. We all know that we need to use secure passwords for website administration login. Additionally, minimizing plugins (for WordPress) and extensions (for Joomla) should also be done, as each plugin or extension can serve as a pathway to core file […]

David A. Moore

Taking Back Control Over Your Day: 7 Steps to Laser-like Focus

Where are we going wrong? At the end of day do you sometimes realize it’s 5 o’clock (or 6 or 7?) and you ask yourself, “What happened”? You’ve been busy all day long doing exactly what needed to be done…answering emails, returning phone calls, going to meetings, reading, writing…yet the you never completed any of […]